Reiki for Birth logo

revolutionizing your care for birthing people and their babies

Have a Bigger Impact on Birth

Provide Next-Level Pain Management, Address Complications so They Don't Derail Birth Plans, and Reduce the Need for Medical Interventions

Provide Next-Level Pain Management, Address Complications so They Don't Derail Birth Plans, and Reduce the Need for Medical Interventions

Have a Bigger Impact on Birth

revolutionizing your care for birthing people and their babies

Your birth bag is getting an upgrade

  • 78% improvement in pain
  • 80% improvement in nausea
  • 86% improvement in sleep
  • 94% improvement in anxiety
  • reduction of C-section rate from 20% to 5%

Results from a clinical trial at Hartford Hospital, CT and from Dr Jeri Mills, OBGYN practice

And these are just the results of using standard Reiki

You'll take it to the next level when you learn the techniques inside Reiki for Birth Workers

Reiki for Birth Workers students send DMs like this

Help your clients and patients with:

  • hypertension
  • previa
  • birth trauma
  • plugged ducts
  • labor anxiety
  • breech
  • induction
  • stalled labor
  • retained placenta

Your job just got even more rewarding

Reiki for Birth Workers students post things like this on Instagram

Birth workers around the world who’ve taken this training have used it to turn breeches, flip posteriors, reduce hypertension, induce labor, manage the birth room and facilitate blissful births

"Reiki for Birth Workers was transformational for me"

"Taking Reiki for Birth Workers was transformational for me, on both a personal and professional level.

I've been able to support my patients in profound ways - from offering Reiki to babies during procedures in the NICU, to supporting the hearts of mothers who have experienced a loss, to clearing stagnant energy to increase milk production. A surprising number of my patients, and coworkers, are open to Reiki, even if they've never heard of it before.

I can't recommend this training enough - do it, you won't regret it."

Chelsea Poyo-Nieto, Doula, IBCLC

"I use Reiki to fill myself with energy and support myself as I'm supporting clients"

"I'm so glad I took Reiki for Birth Workers. I offer and give Reiki during most births I attend now.

With clients permission, I've used Reiki to move cervical lips and to get the body ready for induction.

After taking Reiki 2 I learned how to give distance Reiki which I use to check in with clients while they're laboring before they're ready for me to arrive.

I also use Reiki on myself to fill myself up with energy and support myself as I'm supporting clients. "

Allegra Hill, Midwife and Founder of Kindred Space LA Birth Center

Reiki supports smooth pregnancies and births, and is the ultimate comfort measure

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on healing modality that releases tension, brings the body into a state of balance and calms the nervous system. It's very gentle and very powerful.

In its earliest days it was taught to midwives in Japan by one of the main teachers who was also a medical doctor.

This is no ordinary Reiki training (although it is one too). This is the only program where you'll learn how to use Reiki to address over 20 perinatal challenges, including sciatica, edema, retained placenta and trauma and transform the level of care you provide your clients and patients.

Reiki is easy to learn and easy to do, and after this training, you'll be able to support your clients and patients with almost anything that comes up in their birth journey and help more of them have the birth they desire.

Reiki will be the most valuable skill in your toolbox

  • It helps pregnant people feel connected to their bodies, their babies and their experience
  • It helps them feel calm, centered and grounded
  • It gives more possibilities in derailing situations - breech, previa, hypertension and more can be addressed and a birth plan be saved
  • It relaxes and relieves pain during labor
  • It nourishes and nurtures in postpartum
  • It helps YOU feel calm, centered, grounded, protected and clear so you can bring your best self to your clients
  • It replenishes your energy so you don't burn out

It won't just have a profound impact for your clients, there's a lot in it for you too

  • Sharpen your intuition
  • Deepen your spiritual connection
  • Know you're providing the best possible care
  • Expand your income potential with a Reiki side-business
  • Be able to support yourself and your loved ones as well as your clients
  • Support and replenish your own energy while you're working so you don't burn out
  • Keep connected to your families as you transition your birth clients into Reiki clients
  • Get more repeat bookings and referrals from clients who've had incredible experiences with you

Be more empowered to reduce interventions, eliminate trauma and help your clients have the birth of their dreams

Be more empowered to reduce interventions, eliminate trauma and help your clients have the birth of their dreams

Click the button below to join now and get instant access to Reiki for Birth Workers

  • Reiki training
  • Proprietary perinatal Reiki training
  • Protocols for over 20 perinatal challenges and complications
  • 4 on-demand video modules
  • Guided meditations
  • Guided daily Reiki practice
  • Reiki for Birth Workers manual
  • Reiki for Birth app
  • $197 worth of free gifts

For just one payment of $497

Please note, this is not a certification training

If for any reason you don't love Reiki for Birth Workers, just let me know within 14 days for a full no-questions-asked refund

Here's what you'll learn in Reiki for Birth Workers


The Wisdom of Reiki

Knowing the basics of Reiki gives you a solid foundation for your new skill and help you connect more deeply to Reiki

  • What Reiki is
  • How it works
  • What it does
  • Where it comes from


Spiritual Development

Reiki techniques and practices deepen your connection to source so you can use it powerfully and effectively

  • Reiki principles
  • Meditations
  • Your attunement
  • Your Reiki routine


The Art of Healing

Simple frameworks make it easy to give treatments so you can maximize the positive impact for your birth clients

  • How to use Reiki
  • Traditional techniques
  • How to treat yourself
  • How to treat others


Perinatal Reiki

You'll be empowered with protocols to support your clients with over 20 perinatal challenges including

  • Breech presentation
  • Labor induction
  • Pain management
  • Lactation

And it's all available in an app so everything is at your fingertips at a prenatal or a birth

(It's on a website too if you prefer learning that way)

I want YOU to benefit from this training too, so I'm including these gifts




Incorporating Reiki into your Birth Offering Roadmap

Energetic Hygiene for the Birth Professional

Chakras 101




  • Grow your revenue
  • Differentiate your offer
  • Uplevel your birth packages
  • Add another revenue stream as birth clients become Reiki clients
  • Learn how to talk about and promote your Reiki services
  • Learn how to ground, clear and protect your energy before and after a birth
  • Learn how to clear and protect a birth space
  • Learn everything you need to know about the chakra system so you can work with it effectively using Reiki


Incorporating Reiki into your Birth Offering Roadmap


  • Grow your revenue
  • Differentiate your offer
  • Uplevel your birth packages
  • Add another revenue stream as birth clients become Reiki clients
  • Learn how to talk about and market your Reiki services


Energetic Hygiene for the Birth Professional


  • Learn how to ground, clear and protect your energy before and after a birth
  • Learn how to clear and protect a birth space


Chakras 101


  • Learn everything you need to know about the chakra system so you can work with it effectively using Reiki

I'm Mitra, a perinatal energy healing expert, and I'm on a mission to have Reiki as standard care in the birth room

In my office, I regularly work on people's in utero, birth and infancy experiences that are still impacting them as adults. From heavily medicalized deliveries to being separated for newborn checks, the modern birth paradigm leaves an energetic imprint.

After I became a mom, I was strongly driven to do something to change the landscape of birth. But I couldn't do it alone. I needed to empower the people in the birth room with what is missing from current care.

Drawing on my experience and training in Reiki, Systematic Kinesiology and Acupuncture, I put everything I know about using energy healing to support people in pregnancy, birth and postpartum into a training, and Reiki for Birth Workers™️ was born. Even if it helped just one person have the birth they wanted, instead of a traumatic birth, it was worth it to me. And boy, did it help.

I started teaching doulas at Kindred Space LA, a black-owned birth center and doula training institute in Los Angeles. My students were using what I taught them to turn breech babies, induce labors and have their clients sleep between pushes. They were helping their clients avoid interventions, and have blissed out labors.

Since then I've taught hundreds of birth workers around the world how to give next-level care to their clients with Reiki - doulas, midwives, nurses, lactation consultants, even OBGYNs. And together, we started a movement to revolutionize care for birthing people around the globe, improve outcomes and detraumatize birth.

I'm a mom of two boys, the first a home birth, the second an unmedicated, physiological hospital birth. I had pre-eclampsia and GD in both my pregnancies, and I was on bed rest from 31 weeks in my second pregnancy taking it day-by-day. My OB couldn't believe I made it to term. I could - I had so much energy healing.

Got questions?

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on energy healing modality that clears energy blockages and brings the body back into balance, a place from which healing can happen. It supports the immune system and nervous system.

Is Reiki a religion?

No. You don't have to hold any beliefs or follow any rules or dogma to do Reiki. Mikao Usui, the creator of Reiki, was Buddhist so many of the concepts in his healing system come within that context but it is not a Buddhist practice. Whether you have a religion or have no religion you can do Reiki. I've had students check with their priest if it's ok to take a Reiki class.

I've never done Reiki before, is this suitable for beginners?

Yes, Reiki for Birth Workers is designed for people who've never learnt Reiki before. Even if you've never received it or only just heard of it, we start with the absolute basics and you don't need to know anything yet.

Do I get certified?

Reiki for Birth Workers is not a certification training but I offer certification workshops for my students. These 2 hour Zoom workshops include a live personal attunement, a guided self-treatment, guided professional style treatment on another and a Q&A. As well as becoming certified as a Reiki practitioner you also receive 21 days of follow up email support and access to my private Facebook group.

Will I learn how to use Reiki with people other than my clients?

Yes, you'll learn how to give a full, professional style treatment as well as learning how to use it more informally.

Will I learn how to use Reiki for myself?

Yes, you'll learn how to give yourself Reiki to support both your health and wellness and your spiritual growth.

When do I get access to the course?

You get access right away. Once you've purchased the course you'll receive an email with your log in details for the program. You'll have access to it right away and for as long as you need, there's no expiration.

How do I access the course?

You'll receive details of how to access the course along with your login details in the welcome email once you've made your purchase. The course is hosted on a website so you'll be able to access it on your computer or phone. It's also available as an app, so you can refer to the materials in the moment with your clients and patients. The manuals are downloadable so you can save them on your devices.

I'm super busy, how long will the class take?

I really get how hard it is to find the time to take a program. I did my best to make it easy as possible to fit into a super busy birthworker life.

The whole program takes about 4 hours to complete. The content is split into short videos, so if you're super busy you can watch a 5 minute video when you can catch a window, you don't need to watch it all in one go.

There are also audio versions of each of the video lessons so you can listen to them if that's easier for you.

You don't need to take notes or do any homework so you can listen while you're driving, working out, anywhere you can carve a little multi-tasking time.

How does the attunement happen?

There is an attunement video, which feels like a meditation.

If you prefer to receive a personal attunement from me that's available in my certification workshops which you are welcome to join after you've taken Reiki for Birth Workers. These workshops take place on Zoom and include a live personal attunement, a guided self-treament, a guided professional style treatment on another, a Q&A and as well as becoming certified as a Reiki practitioner you also receive 21 days of follow up email support and access to my private Facebook group.

In person attunements give you a different energetic experience that many people find very powerful but they're not essential.

Which perinatal conditions are covered in the class?

Birth trauma, anxiety, nausea, heartburn, headaches, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, difficulty sleeping, edema, hypertension, breech presentation, placenta previa, labor induction, stalled labor, pain management, retained placenta, medical intervetions, c-section, physical recovery, depression and lactation. The course also includes how to work with the newborn, how to energetically prepare for birth, how to energetically prepare the birth space and how to incorporate Reiki into the birth plan.

My client or patient has a condition that isn't included in the course, will I be able to use Reiki to help them?

Yes, you can use Reiki to help absolutely anything. The protocols in the training help you be more effective for the conditions covered, but you can use Reiki to support your clients or patients with any issue, acute or chronic.

Will my client or patient no longer need to see other perinatal practitioners?

Maybe! There are always issues that should be refered out, but you might well save your client or patient a visit to the acupunturist or chiropractor.

Will Reiki guarantee a good birth outcome?

There are no guarantees in birth and no intervention is always successful. Reiki is not a miracle, it's a complementary therapy that you can use as part of a holistic approach to your client's care. You should always continue with whatever techniques you already know help your clients and add Reiki to the mix. Reiki will have a positive impact on your client's birth journey but the best outcomes are usually when we approach a problem from more than one angle.

Can I share the course with my co-worker?

The purchase price is for one user. Sharing content with anyone else is a copyright infringement. If you work as a collective and want to know about group rates for multiple users, plese drop me an email at

I'm already Reiki certified, is this suitable for me?

It sure is! I'm teaching a blend of Western and Japanese Reiki so, unless you've also trained in both branches of Reiki, there will be some new nuggets and different ways of looking at things. Further study is also helpful in strengthening your connection to Reiki.

The content about how to use Reiki in the perinatal period is unique to this program, so even if you're not interested in reviewing the Reiki 1 curriculum you'll learn how to make your Reiki even more effective with your clients.

I'm already Reiki certified, can I just learn the part about how to use it perinatally?

You can, it's in a separate module and you can choose just to watch that content. It's not available as a separate program though, you need to purchase the complete Reiki for Birth Workers training.

Can I work as a Reiki practitioner after this course?

You receive a Reiki 1 certificate if you take the certification workshop. This is usually enough to start working as a professional Reiki practitioner (please check the laws in your country or state). You'll receive the standard of training required to work professionally in Reiki for Birth Workers.

I'm a Reiki professional, will this help my practice?

Reiki for Birth Workers will give you the expertise to niche your Reiki practice towards a pregnant and postpartum population. Perinatal care is a rewarding area to focus on!

Is the course available in my country?

Due to international sales tax regulations Reiki for Birth Workers is only available to people in the US, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. If you're located outside of these countries, there's another version of the class that's available worldwide. Please email me directly on and I'll share the link to register with you.

Join the movement of birth professionals elevating the standard of care for birthing people

Reiki for Birth Workers is the only training where you'll learn how to use Reiki to support your clients with perinatal challenges and complications so they have a better chance of birthing free from interventions and trauma.

You don’t need anything else for your kitbag, with just your hands you’ll be able to support your clients with anxiety, trauma, hypertension, previa, breech, pain management, lactation, recovery and more.


Reiki for Birth Workers is the only training where you'll learn how to use Reiki to support your clients with perinatal challenges and complications so they have a better chance of birthing free from interventions and trauma.

You don’t need anything else for your kitbag, with just your hands you’ll be able to support your clients with anxiety, trauma, hypertension, previa, breech, pain management, lactation, recovery and more.

Click the button below to join now and get instant access to Reiki for Birth Workers

  • Complete Reiki level 1 training
  • Proprietary perinatal Reiki training
  • Protocols for over 20 perinatal challenges and complications
  • 4 on-demand video modules
  • Guided meditations
  • Guided daily Reiki practice
  • Reiki 1 manual
  • Reiki for Birth Workers manual
  • Reiki for Birth app
  • $197 worth of free gifts

For just one payment of $497

If for any reason you don't love Reiki for Birth Workers, just let me know within 14 days for a full no-questions-asked refund

revolutionizing your care for birthing people and their babies

© Elevate With Energy Ltd, 2024, All Rights Reserved