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Get Ready for the Birth of your Dreams

An Easy Pregnancy, A Calm Birth, The Ultimate Natural Pain Relief

Get Ready for the Birth of your Dreams

An Easier Pregnancy, A Calmer Birth, The Ultimate Natural Pain Relief

Are you dreaming of an empowered, natural birth?

You're reading all the birth books, watching the birth videos, saying the affirmations, learning hypnobirthing, interviewing doulas, figuring out how to manage pain and researching all the ways to make your baby's birth an amazing experience.

There's a simple, natural method that helps you have an easier pregnancy, a calmer birth and a faster recovery and has been clinically shown to reduce pain for pregnant people.

And the best part is, your partner can do it for you.

Your birth partner can become a pain relieving machine and also support you during pregnancy with any challenges you have

Your partner can play an integral role in bringing your baby into the world

They might not let on, but birth partners often feel like a spare part.

Everything is (quite rightly) focused on you, but they want to know how they can be involved and show up for you.

  • They want to feel useful
  • They want to play a meaningful role in the birth of your baby
  • They do not want to see you in pain
  • They want practical tools that empower them in their role

And you need them to help you feel calm, safe and supported.

This training gives them all this and more, so they can be a bigger part of making this birth an amazing and empowering experience for you both. They'll feel prepared, confident and connected, so they can really hold and support you.

In just 5 hours your partner will learn how to:

  • Relieve you from the discomforts and challenges of pregnancy including morning sickness, insomnia and sciatica
  • Connect and bond with your baby before they're born
  • Meet you on a deep energetic level and bring another dimension to your intimacy
  • Relax you in labor with phenomenal pain management
  • Support themselves so they can show up calm, centered, grounded and clear on the big day

And they'll have natural pain relief in the palm of their hands

They'll learn how to support themselves through this journey so they feel calm and grounded at the birth and beyond.

The extra support they’ll be able to give you will prepare you and your body better for birth, even if you're planning a C-section, and make your recovery quicker and easier.

They’ll also learn how to energetically prepare you, themselves and the birth space for the big day.

Reiki for Birth Partners creates confident, impactful partners and calmer, easier births

Alice and Alex

"In comparison to the last time it felt like we were a team, and it was a hugely transformational, spiritual, life-altering birth"

Jennifer & Adam

"Reiki connected us as a family before our baby had even arrived"

Not many men are able to feel such a deep connection to their unborn child. Reiki allowed me this privilege, and when I first met our daughter it felt like we already had an unspoken bond. Jennifer and I felt closer too.

I used Reiki to encourage our baby to come out to join us as she was overdue.

It allowed me to provide more meaningful support to Jennifer during childbirth and gave me a deeper sense of purpose.

Jennifer said it helped to reduce pain during labor. It also kept her and our baby calm when things went slightly off course.

I used Reiki when our baby had colic and when she's been teething. I also use it to calm her when she wakes in the night and it allows her to go back to sleep.

Jennifer says "Being able to receive Reiki during pregnancy gave me the space to relax and feel calm and in tune with my body and our baby. It was incredible to receive Reiki during labor and birth. I truly believe it was receiving Reiki that kept my daughter and I calm and safe, even when the birth didn’t go according to plan."

Nadia & Luke

"Reiki for Birth Partners helped me hold space, keep myself calm, and have a deeper role to play in our birth"

During labor, Reiki helped calm the energy and empowered my role as a birth partner, which lead to an overall deeper, more present experience.

The main thing Reiki helped with was pain relief. Nadia was in established labor at home with our baby back-to-back for 20 hours. She got to fully dilated without any pain relief apart from Reiki (and a little gas and air after 16 hours).

We had to transfer to hospital at the last minute where the energy was manic, completely different to the energy at home. I brought calming energy into the room which helped me feel more empowered.

Once our baby was born, Reiki helped strengthen the bond between us. I still use Reiki when our baby is unwell or teething.

I feel more confident as a partner and father knowing I have Reiki to support my family.

I can’t imagine how I would have got through our birth without Reiki. I highly recommend it to birth partners.

Nadia says “Luke was incredibly centred throughout labor and I was grateful for his calming presence, which he attributes to Reiki. I felt beautifully held by him.”

Reiki for Birth Partners creates confident, impactful partners and calmer, easier births

Man giving Reiki to his partner's lower back while she is laboring in a birth pool at home

Adam & Jennifer

"Reiki connected us as a family before our baby had even arrived"

Not many men are able to feel such a deep connection to their unborn child. Reiki allowed me this privilege, and when I first met our daughter it felt like we already had an unspoken bond. Jennifer and I felt closer too.

I used Reiki to encourage our baby to come out to join us as she was overdue.

It allowed me to provide more meaningful support to Jennifer during childbirth and gave me a deeper sense of purpose.

Jennifer said it helped to reduce pain during labor. It also kept her and our baby calm when things went slightly off course.

I used Reiki when our baby had colic and when she's been teething. I also use it to calm her when she wakes in the night and it allows her to go back to sleep.

Jennifer says "Being able to receive Reiki during pregnancy gave me the space to relax and feel calm and in tune with my body and our baby. It was incredible to receive Reiki during labor and birth. I truly believe it was receiving Reiki that kept my daughter and I calm and safe, even when the birth didn’t go according to plan."

Woman laboring in a birth pool with her husband supporing her

Luke & Nadia

"She got to fully dilated without any pain relief apart from Reiki"

During labor, Reiki helped calm the energy and empowered my role as a birth partner, which lead to an overall deeper, more present experience.

The main thing Reiki helped with was pain relief. Nadia was in established labor at home with our baby back-to-back for 20 hours. She got to fully dilated without any pain relief apart from Reiki (and a little gas and air after 16 hours).

We had to transfer to hospital at the last minute where the energy was manic, completely different to the energy at home. I brought calming energy into the room which helped me feel more empowered.

Once our baby was born, Reiki helped strengthen the bond between us. I still use Reiki when our baby is unwell or teething.

I feel more confident as a partner and father knowing I have Reiki to support my family.

I can’t imagine how I would have got through our birth without Reiki. I highly recommend it to birth partners.

Nadia says “Luke was incredibly centred throughout labor and I was grateful for his calming presence, which he attributes to Reiki. I felt beautifully held by him.”

Reiki for Birth Partners is a must if you want to give birth without pain medication

Reiki is one of the best natural methods of pain relief there is. It's a beautiful and loving way to connect with your partner, an amazing way for them to connect and bond with your baby before they're born, and it helps them stay calm, grounded and present so they can be your rock.

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on energy healing modality that's been clinically shown to have a positive impact in pregnancy:

  • 78% improvement in pain
  • 80% improvement in nausea
  • 86% improvement in sleep
  • 94% improvement in anxiety

(Results from a clinical trial at Hartford Hospital, CT)

Reiki helps people have faster, easier labours with less pain relief and fewer interventions.

One OBGYN dropped her c-section rate from 20% to 5% after she started giving her patients Reiki when they were in labor.

Your Baby's Birth is a Once in a Lifetime Experience

The best investment of time and money you can make isn't in the nursery, it's in your birth. You and your partner are both going to remember this experience for the rest of your lives.

Birth can be amazing, but it can also be difficult, and even traumatic. Magical births don't usually happen by accident. The more you plan and prepare for an amazing birth, the more likely it'll happen. You and your birth partner are a team, you both need to get ready.

Take a hypnobirthing class. Take a childbirth education class. Have your partner take Reiki for Birth Partners.


Get all of this

  • Comprehensive Reiki training - gives your partner the foundational skills to harness the healing power of Reiki, setting the stage for elevating the way they care for you
  • Reiki for Birth system - our proprietary methodology empowers your partner to support you effectively
  • Glowing pregnancy, calm birth toolkit - our protocols for addressing common pregnancy challenges mean your partner will know exactly how to use Reiki to support you with anxiety, sciatica, headaches and more, AND turn the dial down on labor pain so you can ride the waves and minimize unwanted drugs and interventions
  • Energetic birth preparation toolkit - your partner will be able to optimize your energy so you're in the best possible state for giving birth, releaxed, connected to your power and feminine energy
  • 4 micro-lesson on demand video modules - bite sized videos means your partner can complete the course in less than half a day, or space it out and squeeze it into their schedule
  • Guided daily Reiki practice and meditations - so your partner has a quick and simple routine to incorporate into their day that will elevate their Reiki skills
  • Reiki for Birth app - everything your partner needs will always be on hand, right when you need it in labor

Plus these bonuses

Reiki in Postpartum $47

You don't just need your partner's care and support in pregnancy and birth, the care you receive in the first months after birth is so important.

Your partner will be able to nourish and nurture you after your baby's born, supporting you to recover physically and mentally, and helping you with challenges including milk supply.

Reiki and the Newborn $47

Caring for a newborn can be exhausting and overwhelming, especially when you're the only one who can comfort them.

Your partner will be able to soothe your baby and support them with the most common challenges babies have in their first months of life including colic, feeding and teething. This supports their bond as well as giving you deeply needed help.

Energy Healing Techniques for Anxiety Guided Program $45

It's completely normal for both you and your partner to feel stressed or anxious about birth or becoming a parent.

This 10 minute follow-along video uses quick, simple and effective energy techniques to calm your nervous system and rebalance your brain chemistry so the dial on your anxiety turns right down.

For just one payment of $497

(payment plans available through PayPal)

Checkout now with

Checkout now with

If for any reason you don't both love Reiki for Birth Partners, just let me know within 14 days for a full no-questions-asked refund

Need to get your partner on board first?

Here's what they'll learn in Reiki for Birth Partners


The Wisdom of Reiki

Man giving Reiki to a pregnant woman who is lying on a massage table

Knowing the basics of Reiki gives them a solid foundation for their new skill and help them connect more deeply to Reiki

  • What Reiki is
  • How it works
  • What it does
  • Where it comes from


Spiritual Development

Man giving Reiki to a pregnant woman who is lying on a massage table

Reiki techniques and practices deepen their connection to source so they can use it powerfully and effectively

  • Reiki precepts
  • Meditations
  • Their attunement
  • Their Reiki routine


The Art of Healing

Man giving Reiki to a pregnant woman who is lying on a yoga mat on the floor

Simple frameworks make it easy to give treatments so they can maximize the positive impact for you

  • How to use Reiki
  • Traditional techniques
  • How to treat themselves
  • How to treat you, your baby and others


Reiki for Birth

Man giving Reiki to a pregnant woman who is lying on a massage table

They'll be empowered with protocols to support you with over 20 birth related issues including

  • Morning sickness
  • Preparing for birth
  • Pain management
  • C-section support

It's quick, easy and powerful and it's all available in an app so everything is at their fingertips right when you both need it

(It's on a website too if they prefer learning that way)

They don’t need any Reiki experience or knowledge, the course is designed for complete beginners.

But if your partner already knows how to do Reiki, they’ll learn how to use it with maximum effect with you.

I'm Mitra, mom of 2, Reiki Master Teacher and creator of Reiki for Birth Partners

Mitra Sessions giving Reiki to a pregnant woman lying on a massage table

I've been an energy healer since 2010, a mom since 2015 and I've been teaching Reiki for Birth since 2018.

In 2011 my friend asked me to be with her and her husband for the homebirth of their first baby. I was so excited about it, but it didn't occur to me to prepare for. On the day, I made drinks and snacks, kept her husband grounded when he was getting overwhelmed, rubbed her back when she asked me to, and encouraged her when she was pushing.

It was an amazing experience for me, and she feels I was a great help to them, but I really regret not having learnt how to support her properly.

Now I know about birth, I see all the things I did that really weren't helpful (less is often more at a birth), and the opportunities I missed to make that experience better for her and her husband. If we have the privilege of being at a birth, I believe we should be enhancing the experience for the person giving birth. And I know from experience we don't always do that if we haven't learnt how.

Drawing on my experience and training in Reiki, Systematic Kinesiology and Acupuncture, I created a pioneering training for doulas and midwives so they could elevate the care they give their pregnant clients, which is now used in births around the world.

When dads-to-be started taking my program so they could learn how to support their partners, I realized I needed to create something specifically for them, and Reiki for Birth Partners was born.

Both my sons were born with their dad providing phenomenal support to us all, which made me fall in love with him even more, and the bond he has with our children is everything. We used Reiki, hypnobirthing and crystals to help us have the connected, unmedicated births we wanted.

Got questions?

We're already doing hypnobirthing/Bradley/Lamaze, is this course relevant?

Yes! It's a great adjunct to any other childbirth prep or support method and you can do it alongside the techniques you learn in any other approach to birth support and pain management.

We have a doula, won't they take care of supporting me?

Great! Doulas are worth their weight in gold. Yes, your doula will have a whole range of incredible techniques for supporting you during labor (in fact, I've taught Reiki to hundreds of them). If you want to leave it up to your doula in the birth room that's ok, your partner will still learn a great tool for supporting you either side of the big day and to take care of your baby too. It's also totally ok for your partner to work alongside your doula to support you, they don't need to step back just because you have a doula. Talk to them and see what they think, they'll most likely be thrilled you're thinking of incorporating Reiki for Birth Partners.

Will Reiki guarantee an unmedicated or pain-free birth

There are no guarantees in birth. Reiki is one of several tools that can improve the chances of an unmedicated or pain-free birth, or at least move the needle towards those goals.

Will my partner learn about what's going to happen in pregnancy and birth?

No, this is not a childbirth education class and I highly recommend you take one of those with your partner.

I'm planning a medicated birth or C-section, is this course relevant?

Yes! You partner will learn how to support you with interventions and with a C-section. Plus they'll learn how to take care of you during and after your pregnancy, and how to energetically care for your baby too.

Which pregnancy, birth and postpartum conditions are covered in the class?

Anxiety, nausea, heartburn, headaches, constipation, hemorrhoids, sciatica, difficulty sleeping, water retention, high blood pressure, labor induction, stalled labor, pain management, retained placenta, medical interventions, C-section, physical recovery, depression and lactation. The course includes how to work with your baby for the first months of their life to help them with feeding, teething and other common infant challenges. Your partner will also learn how to energetically prepare you and themselves for birth, how to energetically prepare the birth space, and how to incorporate Reiki into your birth plan.

I have a condition that isn't included in the course, will I be able to use Reiki to help them?

Yes, you can use Reiki to help absolutely anything. The protocols in the training help your partner be more effective for the conditions covered, but they can use Reiki to support you with any issue, acute or chronic.

Will I no longer need to see other healthcare practitioners?

Maybe! There are always issues that need medical attention and you should not hesitate to call your doctor or healthcare provider if there is any concern, but receiving Reiki from your partner might well save you a visit to the acupunturist or chiropractor.

My partner is super busy, how long will the class take?

I really get how hard it is to find the time to take a program. I did my best to make it easy as possible to fit into a busy lifestyle. The whole program takes about 5 hours to complete. The content is split into short videos, so your partner can watch a 5 minute video when they can catch a window, they don't need to watch it all in one go. There are also audio versions of each of the video lessons so they can listen to them if that's easier for them. They don't need to take notes or do any homework so they can listen while they're driving, working out, anywhere they can carve a little multi-tasking time.

It's also all available as an app on their phone to make it as easy as possible to learn, and to see what to do when you're in the birth room.

My partner has never done Reiki before, is this suitable for beginners?

Yes, Reiki for Birth Partners is designed for people who've never learnt Reiki before. Even if you'd never heard of it until today, we start with the absolute basics and your partner doesn't need to know anything yet.

Will my partner learn how to use Reiki with people other than me?

Yes, they'll learn how to give a full, professional style treatment as well as learning how to use it more informally.

Will my partner learn how to use Reiki for themselves?

Yes, they'll learn how to give themselves Reiki to support their health and wellness, their spiritual growth and to support themselves through the birth and transition to parenthood.

Does my partner get certified in Reiki?

Reiki for Birth Partners is not a certification training but I offer certification workshops for my students. These 2 hour Zoom workshops include a live personal attunement, a guided self-treatment, guided professional style treatment on another and a Q&A. As well as becoming certified as a Reiki practitioner you also receive 21 days of follow up email support and access to my private Facebook group. I recommend taking the training first, most people don't feel the need for anything more.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese hands-on energy healing modality that clears energy blockages and brings the body back into balance, a place from which healing can happen. It supports the immune system and nervous system.

Is Reiki a religion?

No. You don't have to hold any beliefs or follow any rules or dogma to do Reiki. Mikao Usui, the creator of Reiki, was Buddhist so many of the concepts in his healing system come within that context but it is not a Buddhist practice. Whether you have a religion or have no religion, you can do Reiki. I've had students check with their priest if it's ok to take a Reiki class.

When does my partner get access to the course?

They'll get access right away. Once you've purchased the course you'll receive an email with login details for the program (use their name and email address if you want it to go directly to their inbox). They'll have access to it right away and for as long as they need, there's no expiration so they can refresh for your next birth too.

How does my partner access the course?

They'll receive details of how to access the course along with their log in details in the welcome email once you've made a purchase. The course is hosted on a website so they'll be able to access it on their computer or phone. The manuals are downloadable so they can save them on their devices. When they login they'll be able to download the app to their phone and access it that way too.

How does the attunement happen?

There is an attunement video in the program, which feels like a meditation and activates their ability to channel Reiki. If they prefer to receive a personal attunement from me that's available in my certification workshops which they are welcome to join after they've taken Reiki for Birth Partners. These workshops take place on Zoom and include a live personal attunement, a guided self-treament, a guided professional style treatment on another and a Q&A. As well as becoming certified as a Reiki practitioner they also receive 21 days of follow up email support and access to my private Facebook group.

In person attunements give you a different energetic experience that many people find very powerful but they're not essential.

My partner is already Reiki certified, is this suitable for them?

It sure is! I'm teaching a blend of Western and Japanese Reiki so, unless they've also trained in both branches of Reiki, there will be some new nuggets and different ways of looking at things. Further study is also helpful in strengthening their connection to Reiki.

The content about how to use Reiki in pregnancy, birth and postpartum is unique to my programs, so even if they're not interested in reviewing the Reiki 1 curriculum they'll learn how to make their Reiki even more effective with you.

My partner is already Reiki certified, can they just learn the part about how to use it in pregnancy and birth?

They can, it's in a separate module and they can choose just to watch that content. It's not available as a separate program though, they need to purchase the complete Reiki for Birth Partners training.

Can my partner work as a Reiki practitioner after this course?

They only receive a Reiki 1 certificate if they take the certification workshop. This is usually enough to start working as a professional Reiki practitioner (please check the laws in your country or state). They'll receive the standard of training required to work professionally in Reiki for Birth Partners but not the certification that would be appropriate for professional practice.

My partner is a Reiki professional, will this help their practice?

It will, but in this case I would recommend taking my Reiki for Birth Workers program instead. It has a more medical focus that will be more appropriate for learning how to work with clients rather than just you. You can read more about that here.

Working with a pregnant population is very rewarding.

Is the course available in my country?

Reiki for Birth Partners is currently only available in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland. If you're in another country please contact as we have another version of the program available worldwide.

Your Baby's Birth is a Once in a Lifetime Experience, Don't Wing it

Have a Glowing Pregnancy, an Amazing Birth, and the Best Natural Pain Relief Out There

Your Baby's Birth is a Once in a Lifetime Experience, Don't Wing it

Have a Glowing Pregnancy, an Amazing Birth, and the Best Natural Pain Relief Out There


Get all of this

  • Comprehensive Reiki training - gives your partner the foundational skills to harness the healing power of Reiki, setting the stage for elevating the way they care for you
  • Reiki for Birth system - our proprietary methodology empowers your partner to support you effectively
  • Glowing pregnancy, calm birth toolkit - our protocols for addressing common pregnancy challenges mean your partner will know exactly how to use Reiki to support you with anxiety, sciatica, headaches and more, AND turn the dial down on labor pain so you can ride the waves and minimize unwanted drugs and interventions
  • Energetic birth preparation toolkit - your partner will be able to optimize your energy so you're in the best possible state for giving birth, releaxed, connected to your power and feminine energy
  • 4 micro-lesson on demand video modules - bite sized videos means your partner can complete the course in less than half a day, or space it out and squeeze it into their schedule
  • Guided daily Reiki practice and meditations - so your partner has a quick and simple routine to incorporate into their day that will elevate their Reiki skills
  • Reiki for Birth app - everything your partner needs will always be on hand, right when you need it in labor

Plus these bonuses

Reiki in Postpartum $47

You don't just need your partner's care and support in pregnancy and birth, the care you receive in the first months after birth is so important.

Your partner will be able to nourish and nurture you after your baby's born, supporting you to recover physically and mentally, and helping you with challenges including milk supply.

Reiki and the Newborn $47

Caring for a newborn can be exhausting and overwhelming, especially when you're the only one who can comfort them.

Your partner will be able to soothe your baby and support them with the most common challenges babies have in their first months of life including colic, feeding and teething. This supports their bond as well as giving you deeply needed help.

Energy Healing Techniques for Anxiety Guided Program $45

It's completely normal for both you and your partner to feel stressed or anxious about birth or becoming a parent.

This 10 minute follow-along video uses quick, simple and effective energy techniques to calm your nervous system and rebalance your brain chemistry so the dial on your anxiety turns right down.

For just one payment of $497

(payment plans available through PayPal)

Checkout now with

Checkout now with

If for any reason you don't both love Reiki for Birth Partners, just let me know within 14 days for a full no-questions-asked refund

Need to get your partner on board first?

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Our company registration number is 14190421 - a Private Limited Company registered in England and Wales

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