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Doulas and midwives around the world use Reiki for Birth to naturally manage pain and help people have the birth of their dreams. Learn how you can too.

The Ultimate Tool for Elevating Birth Experiences

Doulas and midwives around the world use Reiki for Birth to naturally manage pain and help people have the birth of their dreams. Learn how you can too.

The Ultimate Tool for Elevating Birth Experiences

Nevermind the wedding, the best day of anyone's life should be the day their baby is born

Reiki for Birth is a training for birth partners and birth professionals that empowers them with the best tool for supporting birthing people - the hands-on energy healing modailty of Reiki - along with our secret sauce of how to use it for maximum effect in birth.

It allows birthing people to be supported energetically throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum so there is more flow, ease and comfort, less fear, anxiety and pain, and a higher chance of birth being the experience of a lifetime.

Birth workers learn how to do things they never before thought possible, like turning breech babies and starting labors.

Birth partners learn how to really show up for their partners and play a meaningful role in their babies' births.

Birthing people get supported to be in awe of their own power and have a life-affirming birth.

Even if you already know how to do Reiki, Reiki for Birth will take it to the next level.

How we're born matters, how we give birth matters

Mitra (mee-tra) Sessions

Birth has become an experience that's traumatic for many birthing people and babies. But it doesn't have to be that way.

As a perinatal energy healing specialist, I know the impact Reiki can have on eliminating birth trauma and transforming birthing experiences when you know how to use it.

Instead of fear, anxiety and pain, Reiki brings confidence, calm and ease. Challenges can be eliminated and the path a birth is headed down can change for the better.

So as many people as possible could experience the benefits of my pioneering Reiki methodology in birth, I created Reiki for Birth Workers™️ and Reiki for Birth Partners™️. These are the only trainings where you'll learn Reiki and how to use it to support powerful outcomes in pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

I believe Reiki should be standard care in the birth room. so that babies, and parents, are embraced in an optimal environment for minimal interventions and a blissful birth for the best start in life.

Mitra Sessions' headshot

Mitra (mee-tra) Sessions

How we're born matters, how we birth matters

Birth has become an experience that's traumatic for many birthing people and babies. But it doesn't have to be that way.

As a perinatal energy healing specialist, I know the impact Reiki can have on eliminating birth trauma and transforming birthing experiences when you know how to use it.

Instead of fear, anxiety and pain, Reiki brings confidence, calm and ease. Challenges can be eliminated and the path a birth is headed down can change for the better.

So as many people as possible could experience the benefits of my pioneering Reiki methodology in birth, I created Reiki for Birth Workers™️ and Reiki for Birth Partners™️. These are the only trainings where you'll learn Reiki and how to use it to support powerful outcomes in pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

I believe Reiki should be standard care in the birth room. so that babies, and parents, are embraced in an optimal environment for minimal interventions and a blissful birth for the best start in life.

Birthing people, their partners and professionals all have better experiences with Reiki for Birth

"It helped to reduce pain during labor"

"Reiki allowed me to provide more meaningful support during childbirth and gave me a deeper sense of purpose.

It also kept Jennifer and our baby calm when things went slightly off course."

Jennifer & Adam

"I gave Reiki to a client who'd gone past her due date. She went into labor 45 minutes later and had the baby less than 3 hours after that!"

"I started using Reiki with all my birthing clients and everyone loves it. Postpartum sessions help them enter mothering feeling balanced and grounded."

Vanessa Wingerath, Doula

"Reiki was like a wave of calm for me"

"Reiki was able to not only relax and calm Sarah but take some of the physical stress off of her. Using Reiki for Birth Partners brought us closer, and connected us even more with the baby."

Sarah & Ian

"My C-section rate has decreased significantly"

"I've been an L&D nurse for. 30 years and Reiki for Birth has changed my practice. My satisfaction with my work has escalated."

Sue Goldenstein, Labor & Delivery Nurse



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Elevate With Energy Ltd, 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX.

Our company registration number is 14190421 - a Private Limited Company registered in England and Wales

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